Tel: 317-536-1731
Fax: 463-212-8855
8455 Keystone Crossing
Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
Home Care Myths & Facts
MYTH: Home care is only for older people.
FALSE! Home care is for anyone who needs it, from new mothers to people in life-changing situations:
Been injured in accidents
Developed serious progressive diseases, such as MS, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer’s, cancer, or any other debilitating disease
Suffered mishaps that have temporarily disabled a patient
Discharged post-operative patients whose insurance benefits ran out
MYTH: Home care is expensive and only wealthy people can afford it.​
FALSE! There are several ways to get needed home care. New programs are constantly being developed for people who don’t have medical insurance, or whose medical benefits have been exhausted.
VA benefits
Long term insurance
State programs
Community programs
Faith-based programs
Hospitals may help or refer you to local programs that will help
MYTH: Home care is an alternative to
hospitals or nursing homes.
FALSE! Home care provided by
professional caregivers often supplements
other care arrangements and enable
patients who need it to get care.
MYTH: Longterm care exists only in
nursing homes.
FALSE! Most seniors prefer to live out
their lives in their own homes. Some require
medical assistance, which is available
through local sources, but a lot of required elder
help is non-medical, obtained through local sources, and helpful friends and neighbors.
MYTH: Homecare solves all medical issues.
FALSE! In many cases, a home healthcare nurse instructs a family member – or members – on how to care for patients. They’ll also provide family members with a list of community groups that are available to help them, either free of charge, or at nominal cost.
MYTH: The only solution for people afflicted with Alzheimer's is for a family member to stay home and constantly keep watch over them.
FALSE! There are several care options available other than home care. Consider special assisted living facilities. Some are specially equipped to care for Alzheimer’s patients. Such places should place special emphasis on:
Safety, within the patient’s living quarters
Supervision, so wandering patients are monitored
Structured routine with constant activities that are similar to the patient’s regular lifestyle
Sensitive personalized attention from Alzheimer’s care staffers who have a full understanding of the patient’s needs and habits
Consider a local adult day care facility that has special facilities for patients with dementia or progressive Alzheimer’s Disease.
Contact us for a list of Adult Day Care facilities and programs within your area!
