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The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the United States' largest organization of food and nutrition professionals, and represents over 100,000 credentialed practitioners — registered dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other dietetics professionals holding undergraduate and advanced degrees in nutrition and dietetics. After nearly 100 years as the American Dietetic Association, the organization officially changed its name to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2012. The organization’s members are primarily registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered (NDTR) as well as many researchers, educators, students, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, clinical and community dietetics professionals, consultants and food service managers.
The Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is a US non-profit health care accrediting organization. It represents an alternative to the Joint Commission and CHAP, The Community Health Accreditation Program. ACHC was established in 1985 by home care health providers to create an accreditation option which was more focused on the needs of small providers. The process began in Raleigh, North Carolina, with the group incorporated in August 1986. The first accredited organization was awarded certification in January 1987. The company began offering services on a national level in 1996. Today, ACHC offers 7 accredited programs, 3 of which are CMS approved.
The Alzheimer's Association, incorporated on April 10, 1980 as the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc., is a non-profit American voluntary health organization which focuses on care, support and research for Alzheimer's disease. Based out of Chicago, Illinois, the Alzheimer's Association is the largest non-profit funder of Alzheimer's disease research. The Association is supported by local chapters across the country, each of which seeks to increase awareness and offer resources for those affected by the disease.
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) is an American nonprofit organization based in New York City. AFA unites more than 2,300 member organizations from coast-to-coast that are dedicated to meeting the educational, social, emotional and practical needs of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses, and their caregivers and families. Member organizations include grassroots Alzheimer’s agencies, senior centers, adult daycare center, home healthcare agencies, long-term care residences, research facilities, and other dementia-related groups.
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) is the national medical specialty society for physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R). These physicians are called “physiatrists” or “rehabilitation physicians.” Founded in 1938, the mission of AAPM&R is to foster excellence in physiatric practice. AAPM&R also offers education, advocates for PM&R, and promotes PM&R research. AAPM&R has more than 8,000 members representing a majority of the physiatrists in the United States and 37 countries.[1] The organization is led by a board of governors, which includes the president, past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary, treasurer, members-at-large, and strategic coordinating committee chairs. The executive director is among the ex official liaisons to the board.
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) is the national medical specialty society for physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R). These physicians are called “physiatrists” or “rehabilitation physicians.” Founded in 1938, the mission of AAPM&R is to foster excellence in physiatric practice. AAPM&R also offers education, advocates for PM&R, and promotes PM&R research. AAPM&R has more than 8,000 members representing a majority of the physiatrists in the United States and 37 countries.[1] The organization is led by a board of governors, which includes the president, past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary, treasurer, members-at-large, and strategic coordinating committee chairs. The executive director is among the ex official liaisons to the board.
AARP, Inc., formerly the American Association of Retired Persons, is a United States-based membership and interest group, founded in 1958 by Ethel Percy Andrus, Ph.D., a retired educator from California, and Leonard Davis, founder of Colonial Penn Group of insurance companies. AARP is a membership organization for seniors. It operates as a non-profit advocate for its members and is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States.
AARP, Inc., formerly the American Association of Retired Persons, is a United States-based membership and interest group, founded in 1958 by Ethel Percy Andrus, Ph.D., a retired educator from California, and Leonard Davis, founder of Colonial Penn Group of insurance companies. AARP is a membership organization for seniors. It operates as a non-profit advocate for its members and is one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the United States.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is a United States-based association working to fight the consequences of diabetes and to help those affected by diabetes. The Association funds research to manage, cure and prevent diabetes (including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes); delivers services to hundreds of communities; provides information for both patients and health care professionals; and advocates on behalf of people denied their rights because of diabetes.
The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is a professional society founded on June 11, 1942 for physicians practicing geriatric medicine. Among the founding physicians were Dr. Ignatz Leo Nascher, who coined the term "geriatrics," Dr. Malford W. Thewlis, who was named the first executive secretary of the Society, and Dr. Lucien Stark who was appointed the first AGS president.
The American Health Care Association (AHCA) is a non-profit federation of affiliated state health organizations, together representing more than 10,000 non-profit and for-profit assisted living, nursing facility, developmentally-disabled, and subacute care providers that care for more than 1.5 million elderly and disabled individuals nationally. AHCA was founded in 1949 and is based in Washington, D.C. The National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) is part of AHCA.
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is a professional organization for the field of effective management of health data and medical record needed to deliver quality healthcare to the public management. Traditionally practicing in hospitals and to referring paper files and records, the field presently refers to all healthcare systems and types of media.
The American Heart Association (AHA) is a non-profit organization in the United States that fosters appropriate cardiac care in an effort to reduce disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke. Originally formed in New York City in 1924 as the Association for the Prevention and Relief of Heart Disease, it is currently headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency.
The American Pain Society (APS) is a professional membership organization and a national chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). Disciplines represented include medicine, dentistry, psychology, nursing, physical therapy, pharmacy, basic science, government, law, business and industry. Regular, affiliate, student/trainee, and corporate memberships are available.
Founded in 1954 as the Western Gerontological Society, the American Society on Aging is an association of diverse individuals bound by a common goal: to support the commitment and enhance the knowledge and skills of those who seek to improve the quality of life of older adults and their families. The membership of ASA is multidisciplinary and inclusive of professionals who are concerned with the physical, emotional, social, economic and spiritual aspects of aging.
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) is a national political advocacy and trade association with about 1,300 member companies that sell health insurance coverage to more than 200 million Americans.[1] AHIP was formed through the merger of Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) and American Association of Health Plans (AAHP).
The Arthritis Foundation is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to addressing the needs of people living with arthritis in the United States. There are more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children living with arthritis, the nation’s leading cause of disability. The Foundation works to provide information and resources, access to care, advancements in science and community connections.
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Many people find that caring for an aging loved one requires some adaptation. CaregiverStress.com® is a helpful place to go for resources that cover everything from self care to senior care, all with the goal of helping you manage, minimize, or prevent stress while making sure your loved one receives the best care possible.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), previously known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and health insurance portability standards. In addition to these programs, CMS has other responsibilities, including the administrative simplification standards from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), quality standards in long-term care facilities (more commonly referred to as nursing homes) through its survey and certification process, clinical laboratory quality standards under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, and oversight of HealthCare.gov.
If Alzheimer's disease or another form of dementia affects someone in your family, this website is for you. You'll find a wealth of support resources, including free e-learning classes on some Alzheimer's care techniques, information about care services and an Alzheimer's respite care grant program, tips from experts and other family caregivers in a dementia support network, and much, much more.
Hospice Foundation of America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. HFA meets its mission by providing programs for professional development, public education and information; funding research, producing publications, and by providing information on issues related to hospice and end-of-life care. Our programs for healthcare professionals are designed to improve care of those with terminal illness and those experiencing the process of grief, and are offered on a national basis. Our programs for the public are designed to assist individual consumers of healthcare who are coping with issues of caregiving, terminal illness, and grief.
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end of life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their loved ones.
NHF is the fundraising affiliate of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. As the national charity for end-of-life care, NHF is responsible for soliciting and stewarding charitable gifts received to National Hospice. These gifts support educational resources created for the general public, covering topics such as caregiving, home safety, advanced care planning (even providing free downloadable state specific advance care directives), grief and bereavement, as well as provide tools and training to our members who deliver hospice and palliative care at the bedside across the country. In addition, the Foundation supports work impacting and improving the care of children and Veterans, the development of global hospice partnerships, and makes possible experiences that help make a hospice patient’s last times with family and friends extra special.
The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs are the largest of several Federal programs that provide assistance to people with disabilities. While these two programs are different in many ways, both are administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), also known as the Health Department, is a cabinet-level department of the U.S. federal government with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services. Its motto is "Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America". Before the separate federal Department of Education was created in 1979, it was called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW).